Photoshot with cumshots: Hoyt Kogan, Nils Tatum & Torsten Ullman!

For today though we hope you enjoy our handsome new year trio (Hoyt Kogan, Nils Tatum & Torsten Ullman), and look forward to the rest of this week with a winter full of ‘Summer Loves’.


This photosession is a little surprise for you all to start off the new year…and also introduce the sequel to ‘Summer Break‘ which we are calling ‘Summer Loves’. In addition to getting the new Jambo Africa series, we will also be running Summer loves for one week every month as well.


I like this format, registration of a photo shoot extended with documentary footage. Very playful, and the models always seem extra playful too when they are at Castle Kinky Angelo. I liked watching beautiful, sexy and sultry Justin and Adam experimenting with new techniques, I sure hope we will get to see the results in the not so far future. Getting Justin on a hook is not a bad idea either ?? And to add to the joy there was a short view of my bundle of joy, cute and sweet Pip ?????? on the castle bridge. Torsten, Hoyt and Nils did do well too of course, but that goes without words. (bwjant)


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