American fashion model Kaylan Morgan and his naughty videos!

Kaylan Morgan (was*/is) best known for his appearances in various high end brand campaigns. His work includes posing for Lord & Taylor and Jean Paul Gaultier.


He has also garnered a sizable following on Instagram, where he is known to document both his personal and professional lives. He was born (February 3, 1985 ) and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. (


He had worked in construction prior to being scouted by his brother’s agency. He landed on the cover of a magazine 2 days after his signing with his brother’s modelling agency in San Francisco. (

Working as a model for OnlyFans.
Working as a model for Marc Jacobs.
Working as a model for N2N Bodywear.

*Now he’s most known as OF model who masturbates 4 money.

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