Antony Lorca raw-fucks Jens Christensen!

It has almost been 6 months since we had Antony Lorca here on BelAmiOnline so we decided to bring you this scene where he continues his try-outs of our new generation of models. Last time we saw him with Niko Vangelis and today we have him with Jens Christensen. Our star crossed lovers both turn up at the same spot after arranging a date on Grindr based only on dick picks, so they are a little surprised that instead of meeting a hot stranger, they have actually organised dates with each other.


After a little concern that they shouldn’t be hooking up with each other, they decide it’s all for the best and that since they already know each other, can skip all the awkward coffees and dinners that would normally go along with a date and jump right to the sex.


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