Blast from the past: John Magnum with fur and hair!

John Magnum is one of those dudes who makes himself right at home, wherever he is, whatever the circumstance. He’ll kick his shoes off, lay on your bed, no apologies. Today he showed up at his friend’s place but his friend won’t be home for a little while. John tells him on the phone that he’ll just chill out and take a dip in the pool.

NextDoorStudios John Magnum Solo Masturbation Scene Hairy Furry Dude Daddy Male Feet Soles Shower 1

Did I mention John’s the type of guy that’ll take the liberty of getting naked and jerking off in your bed? Good thing John and his friend have a mutual understanding in this department. Since John has some alone time, he decides to get right into some very sexy chat with his significant other over the phone.

NextDoorStudios John Magnum Solo Masturbation Scene Hairy Furry Dude Daddy Male Feet Soles Shower 2

He sprawls out, buck neked, and tugs his fat boner while his girlfriend whispers hot stuff about sucking him off and licking his asshole. But when his lady has to hang up unexpectedly, John is left alone again, just the man and his throbbing dick. There’s only one thing to do in that situation, no matter where you are.


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