Travis always plays with his butt when he jacks off

travis sean cody 770

Travis has quite a builder’s body

Travis is a really big guy! At the tender young age of 21, he’s got massive arms and a very well-defined physique! He was a wrestler in high school, and now he boxes to stay fit. You never know with the big guys if they’re going to be aggressive or unfriendly. That definitely wasn’t the case with Travis. He was a really good sport by answering some of the embarrassing questions we threw at him! He’s got a little hair on his beautiful pecs, but his best part is his hairy ass crack and hole, which he likes to finger to get himself off. “Do you always play with your butt when you jack off?” we asked him. “Yeah,” he said shyly. Check out the way he beats the shit out the punching bag! I wouldn’t want to be in a fight with him!




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