Andy with big love muscle between his legs!

andy sean cody 715

Andy is a southern boy who just turned 20. The first thing I noticed about him was his beautiful, sexy, hairy forearms. I love hairy forearms and Andy’s are really nice! I expected his chest to be just as hairy, but when he took his shirt off his muscular chest had only a dusting of hair. Give it time! His legs are pretty hairy, though, and he’s got a nice thick cock and a healthy set of nuts. “I’m definitely straight,” he said, up front, just to get it out of the way. “All my curiosity stays with girls,” he said with a smile. He’s a really friendly guy and has an interesting way of saying things. “I like Latin girls,” he explained. “They’re born with beautiful bodies and it’s passed down from generation to generation.” And speaking of generations, that leads us to what has to be one of my new favorite quotes: When asked about whether he ever hooked up with a mother and daughter, he replied, “Nah, just the daughter and dreamed about the mom.” And then, without skipping a beat: “And possibly the grandma.”


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