Gay porn fantasy: Derek Jones sold his ass for a “taxi” fare

Derek Jones called in UBER to take him to the gym. Super fucking sexy Ryan Winter got the call and headed to pick up Derek. When picked up, the two shared some small talk before Derek was at his final destination. As Ryan tried to run Derek’s card, it kept coming back denied. Without another card of cash to pay Ryan, Derek was begging for free ride just this one time. Ryan wasn’t having it and told Derek he’d have to take him to the police station unless there was a different way they could work this out. Hesitant at first, Derek finally agreed on an alternative payment to avoid going to jail for the night.

ryan-winter-derek-jones - gayhoopla-male-feet-low-hangers-anal-sex- (2)
Derek had fun pulling Ryan’s low-hangers!
ryan-winter-derek-jones - gayhoopla-male-feet-low-hangers-anal-sex- (1)
Not to mention how he loved Ryan’s big cock deep inside his man-hole!


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