Sawyer is a small guy with a huge thing below the belt

sawyer solo sean cody
From Sean Cody: “I’d say its pretty big,” Sawyer said with a slight, but coy, southern drawl. “I’ve been told… actually, everybody that’s ever seen it says it’s pretty big!” “Well,” I thought to myself, “this should be interesting!” Sawyer is a small guy, and it’s been my experience that it’s always the small, lean guys that have the whoppers! “Can we see?” “Sure,” he said with a smile. He dropped his shorts and there it was… hanging a good five or six inches soft! “Wow! How much bigger than that does it get?” “A few inches.” “Have you ever measured it?” “Yeah.” “What’s your measurement?” “It’s 8 1/2 to 9 inches.” “You must get a lot of stares in the locker room showers!” “Well,” he replied. “I’m definitely the biggest out my friends.” “Have they said anything?” “In high school, the word got out and after that I got a lot more attention from the girls!”


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