Cute hetero soccer player Leo bust a nut!

Léo is really a straight guy. He is 27 years old and single. He plays football (soccer) in South of France. He was in Paris for a football game that’s why I could cross him in the gym club where I go often, paste to a stadium. he was training when I saw him and I waited until he takes a shower to meet him and ask him about to do pictures. He was “cold” but he needed about more details about my asking. I was ready to give him a massage after picture shooting and it seems, that’s was the element who has decoded him to accept to come and see my work. He came the next day and we talked a lot about my work. He wasn’t against to get massaged by me, but he wasn’t sure about the next part of the massage… As you can see in video, he never smiles… He wasn’t in a best mood because he really is a straight guy and in his situation, gay guys are 100% not his taste.


Finally, I could massaged him and more but when I’ve touched his cock, he hang back to let me massage more and more. After a offline negotiating, he let me to do what I wanted. As you can see, he is a real gym male. All is nice in this guy. His body is perfect. His cock is so fat, so long and his balls: I played a lot with them. I wasn’t far to do more, but as he wasn’t really open-minded to guy…I preferred to no suck his huge cock of straight guy. This guy is delicious: he is newbie in porn. I’m sure he won’t do a new video because it seems he needed money. During video he was watching a straight porn on his smartphone, that’s why his look is rarely to the video camera lens; and that’s why his cock was hard. Now, you know details about how I made the video. I hope you’ll take pleasure as I took to film him. I was stressed about this strong straight guy, but I’m happy to have played with his nice body, huge pecs, huge cock and big balls.


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