Free protein shakes for Lorenzo and Nolan Stone!

Gulp! Lots of cum eating in this video! Nolan turned up the heat immediately after taking one look at Lorenzo! I think this is the first time Lorenzo has was set to be the “servicer” in a Serviced video. After working with a handful of straight guys, it surprised Lorenzo to have someone who would throw as much energy into it as he does. There is a lot of making out and plenty of cock sucking.


Nolan had mentioned that guys are often surprised at how thick his cock is, and when you see Lorenzo sucking it, you finally get to see it in scale. It is indeed THICK! Nolan gets on his back and Lorenzo delivers his load right into Nolan’s open mouth. Nolan needs to ramp up and get himself close, so as soon as he starts cumming Lorenzo jumps on and swallows Nolan’s load! Protein shakes for everyone!


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