Soloist James may return for some intimacy with a man

The newest solo video features compactly built 70% Italian mixed guy James explaining the English speaking world audience how he wants to experience intimacy with another man. He assumes men are better at sucking cocks ’cause they have one. We couldn’t agree more. 🙂

james sean cody solo short guy straight gay italian jerk off cut dick (2)
James in polka dot shorts waiting for his first dick up his fanny.

Since this is the first video under other ownership we can conclude these kind of statements may now really mean something not only for trolling purposes like we were used in the recent past.

james sean cody solo short guy straight gay italian jerk off cut dick (abc)

There was a real lack of soloists’ comebacks in recent time. Lane was the first guy after 20+ only soloist. We were in fact very sure about his comeback because he dildoed himself. Unfortunately Lane is almost the last person we wanted to return  🙂 so he doesn’t count.

New management should definitely change their way in communication with subscribers and actually listen to the crowd. To sum it up in a plain way: If there is a solo showcase with a hot guy there must be at least a second scene with him. 🙂 And we are sure they know which guys are hot because people involved in this business are gay men.

See James’ photo  gallery and the preview video bellow!


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