Titan is an aspiring pro bodybuilder with big uncut cock

Bodybuilder Titan would be so much sexier with half of the muscular mass but unfortunately his visual self-image doesn’t match with our taste. But what matches with our taste is his hard uncut cock and this is why he’s in our Sunday’s blog update.

titan theguysite solo muscle beefcake bodybuilder feet shower uncut cock latino (9)

We usually don’t feature bodybuilders in our regular posts and there is a simple reason behind this – they don’t turn us on and we think they look funny (see the video bellow). 🙂

Titan wears a hat throughout the whole film but the fact is he wants to make a name for himself in a bodybuilding business so he needed to do this photo session a little more discrete.

titan theguysite solo muscle beefcake bodybuilder feet shower uncut cock latino (12)
Here he looks like Carlo Carrera aka Mario Campos.


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