Doug drills Kurt’s hungry butt hole on Sean Cody

Things were full swing in Hawaii! Hot boys kept arriving from the main land and we were doing all kinds of fun things. It had been a very busy day of activities. We had taken some of the guys out snorkeling, something I had never done before. The water in Hawaii is so blue and clear that when you are underwater you can see pretty far. There were a lot of marine creatures to see. It was an awesome experience! After a nice dinner we went back to the house. The whole group seemed horny and rowdy!

doug kurt sean cody20

 It was getting dark, but after the way 857 turned out I was excited to do another film at night. The only question: would we bother the neighbors? Well, I’m kind of a “cross-that-bridge-when-you-get-to-it” kind of guy. I wanted to see Kurt and Doug fuck and we were going to do it! We didn’t bother the neighbors. They were either asleep or not home. Who knows? Lucky we shot outside, though. The guys got cum all over the outdoor furniture!


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